Canada’s Lepanto Moment

Greetings everyone,

So, I’ve been in Kingston with visiting family this past week, and contemplating whether I should return early to trek on up to Parliament Hill this Saturday.  Well, this morning I received my answer.  I talked to a lady from Oakville whose group is coming to Parliament Hill with 650 rosaries to hand out to the Truckers and those open to praying with us.  After a chat about the logistics of our Rosary service, she made this simple observation:  “You know, John, this is our Lepanto.”  I reflected on that for a moment.  And, do you know, what?  She’s absolutely right.  There’s no more going back to the Shire because there won’t be a Shire if Mordor wins.  We need to dig in and win this.  We cannot afford to lose this fight. Now, more than ever before in our country’s history, we need Our Lady’s intercession, but she needs us and our faith to step up to the plate and engage. We need to shake off complacency and embarrassment because if we don’t, these attitudes of subtle pride can sink an entire nation for a very long time.

We need as many people as possible to come out tomorrow at 9AM to help distribute the rosaries to the Truckers and to freedom loving Canadians and invite them to join us at the Centennial flame at 11AM to pray the Rosary with and for them. We will provide instruction on how to do it so that it is seen as an invitation to ask for God’s blessings and protection.

I also spoke with a representative of a group from Montreal who will be journeying to Rideau Hall, the Governor General’s official residence to pray for the Queen, the Governor General and all Ministers of the government.  They will be praying the Rosary commencing at 11AM as well, concurrently with our Rosary Rally for the Truckers on Parliament Hill.

This is a spiritual battle, ultimately. How things transpire on the ground is largely determined on how things are going “in the air”.  We need a strong turnout tomorrow. We need to show Our Lady we love our country just as much as she loves it.  If we are faithful to this calling, Our Lady will use our country to light a fire among the nations.  In fact, it has already started.

With such short notice, I am unsure if I will be able to get this livestreamed. If it’s not possible, I would ask that for those who cannot be on Parliament Hill to pray in your homes at 11AM.

Please visit this link for any updates and/or link to a livestream or Zoom link.  I will also be adding a short liturgy program to this link by tomorrow.

In her Immaculate Heart,

John Pacheco

St. Joan of Arc Community

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