Greetings everyone!
I want to thank everyone who participated in this past Saturday’s Rosary Convoy as we honoured St. Joseph on his solemnity. We had about 200 people turn up which is a really good showing, all things being considered. I would like to highlight a few things from this past Saturday and talk to you about our next initiative.
- Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary – I will be in the Webex Prayer Room to pray the Rosary at Noon on Friday March 25 (which is 5PM in Rome when the Holy Father will be doing the Consecration). Anyone interested can join me.
- Rosary Convoy Video – The video of the livestreamed event can be found here. (So far, close to 600 views…which I’m pretty happy with). Participants tell me that many people were watching from all over the country, and were touched by it. I am very edified by this as it helps us connect with our Canadian Catholic brothers and sisters who share the fullness of the Catholic faith and are willing to defend and witness to it when its primary teachings about the dignity of the human person are being attacked; namely: the inalienable stewardship of the human body entrusted to us, as individuals by God, and the inviolability of the human conscience.
- Thank You – I want to thank everyone who participated in the Rosary Convoy whether at the event itself or by Livestream. I was amazed at some of the participants who came from long distances including, Windsor and Toronto, as well as Montreal and other closer cities and towns. It was a three hour event and most people stuck around to the end. And really, does God really need thousands to change things? No. That is not what Salvation History teaches at all. In fact, sometimes God only want the sacrifice from comparatively few people. At Gideon, God removed the comfortable and the complacent from his army. Dead weight can be a hindrance and a real drag. He needed warriors this day and the warriors came out. I want to especially thank Patricia K. for organizing the choir who were amazing (thank you all!). At times, I thought I was in heaven itself. Thank you to Patricia also for organizing a wonderful reception with Shwarma after the event. A special thank you to John Z. & family who were responsible for preparing the Our Lady of the Cape and St. Joseph statues, and the Divine Mercy Icon. (We could not have done this without John Z. who is St. Joseph’s faithful servant here in Canada, if there ever was one! Check out his ministry here.) A heart-felt thank you to Debbie D. for her livestreaming efforts and Paul L. for his amazing video clips and pictures (see sample below). A special thank you to John A., my co-host, from Windsor who was with us during the Trucker Convoy days and from the beginning of the planning for this event from afar. Windsor Catholics: you’re a blessed group! And thanks and appreciation for the efforts of so many others, including Lyn M. and Nathalie C. for reciting the Mysteries of the Rosary, along with all the other prayer leaders (Michael S., Sue & Brian J, Renato & Lucie B.) who also participated, as well as Deacon Peter K. (Clergy), Jessie K. (Graphic Design), and Aimee (Flowers), and last but not least the guys who carried the statues and Icons (Andy, Chris, Keith and everyone else).
- Finances – We collected $2,461 and spent $2,199. Of those expenditures, we purchased the St. Joseph roll up banner and the flags, both of which we will use again. The $262 will be put towards the next event (see below). A very warm and sincere thank you for all the donors out there who helped make this event successful.
- Lost Items – I did not get my Canadian flag returned to me (although all the others were returned, thanks be to God!) Normally I would not be too fussed but this one is the one I used to visit the Truckers so it has sentimental value. If you know of the culprit, let him know! 🙂 I also have a lost rosary in my possession. The Hail Mary beads are clear plastic with a small unborn child within each one. Beautiful! Please email me if this is yours and I will make arrangements for it to be returned to you.
Opening Remarks – My opening remarks at Parliament Hill:
Today, the members of the Body of Christ stand together in solidarity to witness to and pray for the fundamental truths of our holy faith that have not been adequately explained or defended. Those truths include: the exercise of authentic freedom, the dignity of the human person, the inviolability of human conscience, and the inalienable stewardship of the human body. We are here to witness to this basic fundamental Christian and Canadian value. We are not owned by a Godless State who may force its medical procedures on us without our consent. We belong to God who has given the stewardship of our bodies to us individuals – and not as a collective. And this truth is taught by St. Paul who calls us “Temples of the Holy Spirit”.
This rally is a little different than you or I might be use to. We’re not here to listen to clever speeches by clever men. Clever men have not gotten us any where as a country. So today we won’t be hearing clever speeches. Today, we’re going to pray for the next two hours, begging Our Most Holy Mother and St. Joseph, the patron saint of this Country whose Solemnity we celebrate today, to intercede with God to end these mandates, to crush the creeping tyranny that is destroying Canada and the world, and to restore our freedoms and our birthright as Canadians. We’re here today as Canadians but also as sons and daughters of the Most High to pray and petition the Lord, his saints and his angels to help us in this hour of need to keep our country true, north, strong, glorious and free.
A Couple of Observations:
When I woke up on Saturday morning, it was raining. “Well, I thought to myself: ‘St. Joseph, it’s up to you now. This ain’t my Rosary Convoy, it’s yours. I just hope it is your Convoy and not mine, because if I read this whole thing the wrong way and this ends up being my show, it’s going to be a massive FAIL.’” Almost two hours later when I arrived at my parking destination across from City Hall, it was still raining, so I stayed in the van, praying for about 15 minutes: “Please stop the rain…just for the Rally. PULEASE!” As I was about to leave my van, it stopped raining. “St. Joseph, you really do deliver.” Right there, I knew we were going to be OK. Someone later asked me, “What do you think, John? Will the weather hold?” “Oh yea. We’ll be ok. St. Joseph’s got this”, I confidently responded. And it did hold up…until about the last 10 minutes of the event, but that little rainfall was also providential and a sign for me, so I wouldn’t forget who’s in charge. The thing about Faith is that if you aren’t willing to gamble for God (even a little), then you’re pretty useless to Him. Harsh words but true. How do you show God you have Faith and love Him? Risk something. Risk your money. Risk your reputation. Risk your pride. Risk your job. Risk your relationships. Risk your security. Just ask Abraham. He’ll tell you all about what real Faith is about.
As we had finished our opening prayer and hymn at Confederation Park, we made our way through the Park towards the sidewalk on Elgin Street. As we approached, lo and behold, what do my eyes observe? Two young men: one with an Anarchist flag and another with some kind of Satanist flag. What could a procession be without Old Nick harassing us? We passed by them without incident, although they did follow us to Parliament Hill. Later I thought about their presence there. “A couple of misguided souls. That’s it? Is that the best the Devil can do?” And then the response came: “Why waste resources when I have this culture and your Church in the bag? They were largely a token gesture.”
In Reparation for the blasphemies against the Holy Name of Jesus
In Reparation for the promotion of atheism, tyranny, and communism in the Church and in Canada
The Golden Arrow project is principally a pilgrimage of reparation where Canadian Catholics may come and ask for God’s forgiveness for the offenses committed against Him, specifically the sins of atheism, blasphemy, and keeping the Lord’s day holy which reject the first three Commandments. The secondary motive behind this effort is one of evangelization to bring people of good will to Jesus Christ and the Church, as well as being a work of mercy to instruct the ignorant.
How is this relevant in our efforts to restore our freedoms against medical tyranny imposed on us?
1) Atheism – Historically, the private revelation of Jesus Christ in this devotion specifically called out the evils of Communism which could be defeated with the use of this image. The Communist threat in the 21st century has a very modern look to it. Although the core fundamental principles are the same as the old Communism which retains control, “science”, compliance, and state propaganda as its hallmarks, this particular version we face isn’t Uncle Josef’s (i.e. Stalin’s) Communism. It’s a smooth, slick and cultured one which uses pharmakeia (Cf. Galatians 5:19) and fear porn as its principle means of control and enforcement. Some of the tactics are the same: pitting one group of a population against another (i.e. compare Stalin’s economic class warfare vs. Trudeau’s version of the vaxxed/unvaxxed), while using lies, fear, and the corruption of a State’s institutions (mostly through money and greed) to impose its tyranny on a spiritually blind citizenry. Undergirding all of this hysteria is a implicit denial of God and his sovereignty in favour of twenty-first century man’s new idol: faux-science. Here’s a question; when Israel turned to idols in the Old Testament, how did it work out for them?
2) Blasphemy – It is not a coincidence that Our Lord uses an image of His Holy Face to combat Blasphemy, for it is out of the mouth (and heart) that Man blasphemes his Creator. With the incarnation, the human face is elevated to a new and divine dignity, as a Son beholds his Father. When theologians speak of being ushered into the presence of God, they call it “beholding the Beatific Vision” because it involves the Redeemed and Saved seeing God “face to face” which is testified to in Scripture: “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face” (1 Corinthians 13:12). Therefore to disfigure or cover the human face, especially in Divine Worship, is particularly problematic and grave. I have long maintained that COVID has ushered in a Health Cult with its own sacramentals (masks) and sacrament (vaccine). When we hide our faces from our Creator, we are unknowingly covering our dignity and declaring that fear overcomes our faith (Cf. Jer 7:19; Psalm 44:16; Dan 9:7; Ezra 9:7; 2 Chron 32:21; Jeremiah 51:51; Psalm 69:8). Our submission to the mask becomes the State’s sign to us, that it is they and not God to whom we owe ultimate obeisance. The image of a masked face enforced on a population without clear and compelling evidence of its necessity, therefore, while not imputing any culpability to the ignorant, becomes (objectively) is an offensive image to God, a blasphemy, because it disfigures His image in us.
3) Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy – For the last two years, we have witnessed the greatest attack on the Third Commandment, and the amazing thing is that few people have called it out as such. And yet, this attack by the State has not only not been rebuffed by the Church, but has actually been welcomed by her Ministers, and in many cases, our spiritual leaders have gone further than the State in imposing these disproportionate and irrational restrictions on access to Mass and the Sacraments, with some bishops even openly and actively dividing the body of Christ based on the demands of the Health Cult and its pseudo-sacrament. If this does not qualify as an insult to Jesus Christ and the profanation of the Lord’s day, what, precisely, does? Needless to say, the drop off in Mass attendance over the last two years and now going forward, when the State tells the Church they can “open up again” for “business” is yet another affront against the rightful and dignified worship of Jesus Christ. This whole scandalous situation is an obscene and unnecessary profanation, fueled by an unadmitted apostacy of which there will need to be a strict accounting.
In a few days, the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will take place. After the Consecration, we do not know how long or in what manner, we may expect peace, but I have no doubt the spiritual playing field will be vastly different and represents for us a fruitful opportunity for attack. (Yes, despite what you might have heard, we are in still in a war.) And what better than the namesake of this devotion which is the Golden Arrow to be a principle weapon in that fight? I have noticed that this devotion is spreading quickly in our day. Let us rediscover this image to help Our Lady defeat the Red Dragon, and usher in the Age of Peace as promised. As always, God asks for our participation to usher in His Kingdom. It is no different now. The Consecration will give us a level playing field. So, onward Christian soldier! It’s time to march!
NB: Do not believe that the lifting of the restrictions means our lives will be back to “normal” indefinitely. I beg you, do not fall into a facile naiveté that so many are falling into. What was imposed in the past can and likely will be imposed again with some other pretense. Vigilance is what is required now than ever.
* Please note these details are only proposed at this time. Confirmation of the details will follow.
Event: The Golden Arrow Pilgrimage
Blasphemy is a poisoned arrow continually wounding His divine Heart. Our Savior dictated a prayer, which He called the Golden Arrow, saying that those who would recite this prayer would wound Him delightfully, and also heal those other wounds inflicted on Him by the malice of sinners. (See prayer below).
Place: Parliament Hill
Dates: June 4, 11, 18, 25 | Time: 9AM-3PM
Sacramental: A large blessed banner of the Holy Face (the Golden Arrow), measuring 6ft X 6ft.
The Fellowship of the Arrow consists of:
A Catholic priest, a chair and a kneeler, behind a pull-up banner of the Sacred Heart to hear confessions from pilgrims.
“Scouts”: A group of people committed to praying for this venture before and during its activity.
“Archers”: Two men to pray and distribute Golden Arrow and Sacred Heart literature, and Rosaries to curious onlookers during the entire 6 hours.
“Sentinels”: Six men per Saturday (2 men X 3 two hour intervals) – Three teams of two men willing to stand and hold the Golden Arrow image for two hours intervals of the six hour event.
For Catholics, your participation will be in the form of a Procession beginning at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and then continues as you make your way up to Parliament Hill to the Holy Face of Jesus. You may participate alone or with family and friends. Recommended prayers will be provided. The Fellowship of the Arrow will be there to greet, salute, and pray with you!
Phase 2 of this effort will involve putting Our Lord’s Holy Face on Billboards in Ottawa.
May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible, and ineffable Name of God be forever praised, blessed, adored, loved, and glorified, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth,* by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.
In her Immaculate Heart,
John Pacheco
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