Make Straight the Path of the Lord


Now that the Church’s Consecration of Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary has been completed, we need to take advantage of the graces unleashed. We need to walk the path and proclaim boldly: “Make straight the path for the Lord.” It is not enough for us simply to be passive. Once we receive the Graces, we must act on them. We are not saved “in the spirit only”. We are not angels. We are flesh and blood. Our salvation involves the Resurrection of the Body. We won’t be saved without our body’s participation. So, let your will inform your body. We need to move, witness, act, love. Our Lady didn’t just say “yes”. She said “yes” which meant a certain path she was to walk.

Let it be thus with us. Say “yes” and let’s walk the path that must be walked.

  • Rosary Crusade Against Tyranny in Canada – Just a friendly reminder that we pray the Rosary every Thursday at 7PM to end the tyranny in Canada and for our upcoming initiatives that serve the same cause. Everyone is encouraged and welcome to join us. All the details (including the WebEx link) is on our Rosary page here. We keep our time together to an hour: Rosary and then some fellowship afterwards. In the next few months, we will be devoting some or all of this fellowship time to planning our next adventure: The Golden Arrow Project….
  • Golden Arrow Project Page – The Golden Arrow Project page has been setup. You can access it here. When new details are confirmed, we will update this page accordingly. Please spread the word now, so we can start building momentum. We’ve got a little committee setup for planning purposes and there are a lot of things to consider. For instance, I am already getting emails about hotel discounts! Now, that’s what I’m talkin’ about! When was the last time you went on a Pilgrimage? A long time ago? Well, here’s your chance to fix that hole in your spiritual life. We will be setting up a registration page. Our hope is that not only will pilgrims make make this pilgrimage as individuals, but perhaps also many will attend with family, friends, and ministries. (We have also published our past initiatives with The Truckers and The Rosary Convoy as separate pages on the website.)
  • The Mysterious White Bird – Speaking of the Rosary Convoy, I am hearing stories of a mysterious white bird which briefly flew around when the Convoy gathered on the Hill. Unfortunately, we did not capture it on the Livestream. People have remarked that this little gift was more than just a strange bird. (Come to think of it, I don’t ever recall ever seeing a bird flying near people on Parliament Hill in all my years in attending events.) I’ve had a few people now remark about this. If you feel so inclined, please send me any experience (including a video clip or picture) you have had with this rather curious event. There’s just something curious about a little white bird after all….”At last, they found Joan guilty of heresy, apostacy, and idolatry, and condemned her to death. Eight hundred men-at-arms escorted the girl in a cart through Rouen before she was bound to the stake. A crucifix was held up to her through the fire as Joan burned to death, she calling to Him who had called to her. It was then that a soldier saw a white bird flash from the flames and fly to heaven”. (Source)
  • Marriages for Mary – Folks, there is a wonderful ministry in Metcalfe, Ontario (just outside of Ottawa) which is devoted to ministering couples contemplating marriage, as well as ministering to couples who are dealing with challenges in their marriages. The founding couple’s names are Rita and Gerard McCarthy. It is hardcore and thoroughly Catholic and does not shy away from the “hard truths” of teaching the Faith i.e. reality. They do incredible work and actually save marriages. People travel to their home from all across Canada, and stay weekends and even weeks to iron out their problems. There is no ministry like it that I know of. As we all know, the pandemic has taken a toll on many of these Ministries. So, I am reaching out for you to consider making a donation. They are a registered charity which I am involved with. Donation link here. When you make a donation, email me. Also, the McCarthy’s and I also setup a little reno company to help them help subsidize their ministry, so if have some small renovation work you’ve been looking to do but have been putting off, this is the time to do it. Contact us here.
  • Email Archive – At times, our registrants do not get SJAC emails because of the SPAM settings in their email apps. Please be sure to mark our emails as “safe” in your app if you are experiencing such difficulty. However, should you wish to access all of our communication (past and current), we have setup a Email Digest page to do that here. Please book mark this page as it is not visible on the website. Should you now wish to receive these emails any further, please cursor to the very bottom of this email and click on the ‘unsubscribe’ link.

In her Immaculate Heart,

John Pacheco
St. Joan of Arc Community

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