Golden Arrow Project Unleashed

Greetings everyone,

Just offering a few updates below on our latest activities.  As things get darker and more obvious, we must ‘step up’ our own game. That means being bolder and bolder in our Confession of Faith.  This is no time to play the wilting violet and retreat.  The Lord is looking for courageous men and women to share in His Glory, to be “real gamblers” for His Name’s sake.  He promises that the “booty” at the end of the journey will be well worth it.  The days of “security of leisure” are slowly slipping away.  If you are relying on a corrupt government and its corrupt institutions to “save” your life(style), you will have traded your dignity for a pot of porridge.  This biomedical tyrannical state is becoming more and more obvious for those who have eyes to see.  We are entering an era where real courage will be demanded of those true to Our Lord.  This is not a sitcom or movie where everything gets wrapped up in an hour or two. We may never see the victory here on this side of heaven. In fact, we probably won’t.  And because of that we need to rely our Faith which teaches us that the true victory is seen within eternity.

The Golden Arrow – The above cloth image (taped to my bedroom wall) will be present on Parliament Hill for the Pilgrimage. Please spread the word now, so we can start building momentum. The majority of our expenses will be in promoting the event. Total budget is $3,000. Donate button is at the bottom of the event page. We are still looking for some more brave souls to assist us on the Hill for two hour shifts. If the Spirit is prompting you to participate, please consider it!

Mission Objectives:

  • To make reparation to God for the indifference, disrespect, profanation, and blasphemy made against the Holy Name of God and the Holy Eucharist.
  • To recognize the Holy Face of Jesus Christ as the true and real medicine against the advancing totalitarianism and neo-communism brought about by atheism, scientism, and faithlessness.
  • To remind the Canadian people of the divine image of God in us as represented by the unhidden face of Jesus Christ, who is the only source of authentic freedom and joy in this life and in the next.
  • To affirm the inviolability of the human conscience and the personal stewardship of the human body in the face of vaccine tyranny and a colonialism of fear imposed by the emerging biomedical state.
  • To offer a sign of hope for the abandoned and marginalized in the Church and in Canadian society, as a consequence of vaccine mandates.
  • To share the Holy Face and the Holy Name of Jesus to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear the liberating message of salvation in Jesus Christ – both spiritually and physically.
  • To promote the personal devotions to The Golden Arrow and to Our Lady of Sorrows.
  • Merchandise Page – We’ve setup a merchandise page on our website for anyone interested in helping to support our ministry.

Yours in the Immaculate Heart,

John Pacheco

St. Joan of Arc



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