You Shall Not Pass

You cannot pass….I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass. – Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

One year ago, our Country became a beacon of hope to people all over the world to stand for human dignity and conscience – for the right to say “no” to the tyranny of the biomedical state and its various organs in our country who sought to force us to take their experimental injections. Humble truckers travelled thousands of miles to witness to the basic truths of human dignity which have been under attack these past few years. God raised up humble working men and women to disperse the fear and the lies which we had been fed by corrupt government officials and their lackies in all of our institutions, including the churches who sheepishly went along with their crimes against humanity. An accounting for this will one day be had, but it is not today. But, as sure as the Lord reigns in heaven, that day is coming when the politicians, the doctors, the media, and our pastors will wring their hands in sorrow and regret for what their predecessors participated in. The occupants of these offices will kick their responsibility for admitting the truth down the road a decade or two before the truth finally forces itself out of their successors’ mouths. But, by that time, the carnage will have long past and so will be the accountability on where this disaster should be laid.

So we continue to pray and witness to the catastrophic truth and consequence of what these experimental vaccines are doing. At the root of this crisis is a spiritual crisis, a completely irrational and bizarre allegiance to the Cult of Human Respect and Human Authority in the face of those who are “dying suddenly” all around us. The shame and the guilt of those who are in authority is only surpassed by their own suffocating fear of what they know to be the truth – yet cannot admit – lest the people scape goat them and demand strict justice from them. In the meantime, the people prefer to live with the elephant in the room, even it crushes them rather than admit that their false gods lied to them.

So for the Truckers and their families, we say thank you for your witness and courage. Thank you for showing us what it means to be truly Canadian. Thank you for giving us hope to continue on. One day you will be recognized for what you did for us.

As for those of us who continue to soldier on in prayer, we continue to hold the line and to resist the now laughable government propaganda which keeps pushing its false eucharist. We will stay the course and tell the Wicked Elite that at least in our wills and by the witness of our bodies, they can go pound dirt. We will resist them. They shall not pass.


Dear Lord of this Dominion of Canada, we are here at this eternal flame to give thanks to our beloved Canadian Truckers who you inspired with courage to fight for authentic freedom for Canadians. On this one-year anniversary of their witness, honour their heroic witness, fearlessness and disdain of disordered human respect. Bless this Nation again, O Lord. Scatter this present darkness. Like the Truckers, embolden us to cast away fear, take on a child-like Faith, and speak and act boldly in peacefully witnessing to the Truth. Forgive Canada for its betrayal of you, and do not look upon our treachery, but instead consider the faith of the few stout-hearted who did not give up on this land. Remind us of the hope and unity we had as Canadians for those three weeks. Bless and protect the Truckers, the organizers, and their families for this sake of this nation and your Passion. Bless also all the valiant doctors, lawyers, and freedom organizations who have sacrificed in defense of human conscience. Pour out your Holy Spirit on the remnant who can see the truth and give us the grace to continue witnessing to it. Forgive our spiritual leaders, including our priests and bishops for having abandoned us and who did not defend the teachings of the Church. Send your healing power on all those who have been injured by the vaccines. Grant repentance to the willfully obtuse, politicians, corrupt elites, pharmaceutical industry, and medical boards. For all these petitions and in memory of the Freedom Convoy 2022, Lord hear our prayer! Amen.

In her Immaculate Heart,

John Pacheco

St. Joan of Arc Community



One response to “You Shall Not Pass”

  1. Cathleen Devraj Avatar
    Cathleen Devraj

    Blessed Miraculous medals/ chains going into the schools .
    Reports coming back of school children happier , less stress & anxiety
    Adults also reporting of ‘ changes. ‘

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