Message from Dr. Mary

Dear People,

There has been good news, and answers to everybody’s prayers.

1…At the last minute, on Feb. 4/23, just 2 days before my scheduled Feb 6/23 court hearing for my Contempt of Court case, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) cancelled the Court hearing.

History of this story:

Last year on Jan 7/22, I was taken to Ontario Superior Court by the CPSO because I had refused to give the College the names and charts of those patients for whom I had written exemptions. The College had wanted these charts since October 2021.

The Judge ordered me to hand over the names and charts.

I refused to comply with the ruling from the Judge, and thus I was in Contempt of Court.

And now this has been totally dropped!

2…And last week, on Feb 9/23, I received an email from my lawyer telling me that the Tribunal Notice of Hearing re: allegations of professional misconduct, was also dropped..

Thus, the Contempt charge and the Tribunal issues are both gone.

My lawyer, Mark Ertel, has really advocated for me, and, I have no gag order.

I still do have an outstanding complaint with the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) that will be dealt with in the next few weeks.

I think it will turn out ok ….

I will not be returning to medical practice. My license to practice was suspended on Dec 23/21, at midnight. And I have now resigned from the College, and, they don’t want me back!

Thank you for your prayers and support.




When all is said and done, it will be people like Dr. Mary who showed us all what true leadership was.  They stripped her of her license to practice medicine, but she would not back down from her principles or genuine medical ethics.  This is what it means to be a true doctor to stand against the tyrants of the age.  Sadly, when she looked behind her for support, there was little of it.  What a sad and pathetic spectacle indeed the medical profession has become, along with every single major institution in the West.  They all folded like a cheap deck of cards when money and Big Pharma told them what to say, and what not to sayor else.  They are basically pimps for Big Pharma in white lab coats. The only thing that stands between you and the tyrants running over you, friends, is people like Dr. Mary who basically gave them the “whatfer” and was willing to face the “or else” for the rest of us.  Their shame is her glory.  Shake the dust off your feet, Mary, because I tell you, most solemnly, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for Ottawa, the CSPO, or any other body who presumes to pass judgement on those who stood against the Health Cult.

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