Emergency Act Commission Fails Canada

The Commission to study whether the Trudeau government was justified in invoking the Emergency Act handed down its “verdict” on Friday.  Predictably, it sided with the government.  It is hardly surprising.  The GroupThink surrounding the Health Cult is hardly going to vindicate the Truckers and the Great Unwashed.  Anyone who seriously believes what has transpired over the last three years is nothing less than totalitarian control under the guise of “science” is firmly “on the Koolaid”.

For the record, the St. Joan of Arc Community categorically rejects the judge’s decision.  It is, frankly, an insult, and completely devoid of appreciating the context in which the protest occurred.  Yours truly and many of our members were there on the weekends and on the weekdays.  There was no violence and no national emergency to speak of.  But there were regular Canadians from every facet of our society peacefully protesting (but mostly celebrating) for our right to be heard, for the right to human conscience, and for the right to resist the thuggish impulse of the State to force an experimental injection upon us.   We were there to support one another, to celebrate what it really meant to be a Canadian, and to pray.  Indeed, many of the people – whether religious or not – were there praying with one another.  It was a remarkable event, one that I look back very proudly to have participated in.

The only verdict that counts is that the Truckers have been vindicated as the catastrophic effects of the vaccine are becoming more and more undeniable, never mind the shameless and casual admission that natural immunity was just as good if not better than the vaccine itself.   This inconvenient truth was basic Virology 101 from the beginning, and yet the whole institutional edifice collectively lost its mind and its nerve in not recognizing this basic truth.  The medical profession had no courage or virtue in resisting the Biomedical complex who feeds them – which is the real problem of this “leadership”.  It has nothing to do with science at all.  If they can’t bring themselves to affirm basic Immunology 101 in the face of totalitarian pressure as “medical professionals” – just what the hell are we doing trusting them when they tell us that the vaccines are safe, or amazingly deny what everyone else can plainly see?

We are just at the early stages of this crime against humanity.  And I say “crime against humanity” quite deliberately because the time is coming when we hold those in authority accountable for their actions.  For us Catholics, we will be looking for accountability from our bishops and priests who went along with the trampling of human conscience and human rights.  For me personally, this was a monumental betrayal of their sacred office when they polluted it by playing “doctor” when they had no competence, nor any authority whatsoever in this area to do so.  The job of the Church is to teach the Faith, not proclaim the Gospel according to Pfizer.  The Catholic Church actually has a very balanced view on vaccines in general, but that teaching was not upheld in any meaningful way. In fact, it was almost universally ignored and suppressed.  It was a collective and massive failure – a failure that will need to be recognized and repented of.  As a Christian, I have a very difficult time understanding how a Christian leader can be so negligent, naïve, and so profoundly imprudent in the exercise of their office.  It boggles the imagination.

One response to “Emergency Act Commission Fails Canada”

  1. Mimi Baldwin Avatar
    Mimi Baldwin

    Well said.

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