Amid the Ashes of Arrogance, Revival through the Rosary

Over the last three years, we have been bombarded with the unyielding and evil propaganda of wicked men and their willfully blind dupes in all of the major institutions of our society.  No institution has been spared in destroying the trust we have in them.  The Health Cult and the Cult of Human Respect show no signs of relenting their assault on human freedom, the dignity of the human person, and the inviolability of the human conscience.  The war is not only not receding, it is intensifying at all levels.  Although the vaccines remain the central symbol of this proxy war on the enslavement of mankind, it is not merely about the vaccines any more.  The nature of this battle is about the assault on nature itself.  It is Hell’s final assault on Creation.

A few weeks ago, investigative journalist James O’Keefe landed a big sting against Pfizer.  The Project Veritas staff filmed Jordon Walker, a Pfizer employee, first revealing the company might consider creating mutated forms of COVID-19 to develop highly profitable vaccines and then attacking journalist James O’Keefe When O’Keefe confronted Walker in a Café about the sting interview, two noticeable pictures can be seen in the background:  The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), O’Keefe confessed that we are going through “a spiritual war… a fight of good and evil.” He made the remarks about the spiritual battle while pointing to a still-shot of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary, which were hanging in the restaurant where his outlet recorded a video of a Pfizer employee admitting the pharmaceutical giant engages in the “directed evolution” of viruses.

The great tragedy over the last few years is not that evil has attempted to subjugate humanity, but that our leaders are still under a mysterious spiritual blindness which prevents them from seeing what we are facing.  Man’s technological advancement has found a proxy in the vaccines and his arrogance has grown exponentially with this Godless progress.  And so we are now at the precipice of this war…even as their towers of arrogance collapse on their heads, as their claims about masks, natural immunity, or the safety of the vaccines turn into ashes.

Just like the providential pictures of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart remind us, God is still here amidst this darkness, even in the most unlikeliest of places to assist us in exposing the darkness and evil in men’s hearts (Cf. Eph. 5:11-12).  Our Lord and Our Lady are encouraging us to press on in the fight.  During last summer I felt the strange need to bring the flag of the Immaculate Heart with me to the various prayer events we held in support our struggle. I did not really appreciate the direct significance of it, but obviously if Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart can turn up in the biggest sting against Big Pharma, you gotta know that image is important.

So, we press on praying the Rosary to advance the Kingdom of God on this side of heaven.  For our next event, we will by invoking and honouring Canada’s patron saint, St. Joseph with the specific intentions of Reconciliation, Restoration, and Revival.

Hope to see you there.

In her Immaculate Heart,

John Pacheco
St. Joan of Arc Community


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