The Three Naked Emperors
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Greetings everyone,

Just a follow-up on my earlier appeal to assist a mother of three children who is heading to the Supreme Court to fight for her children’s right not to be vaccinated with the dangerous COVID-19 vaccines. Details of the case are here.  After our original email, we received about $1000 in donations and to all the generous donors, we extend our most sincere thanks.  SJAC is going to match that donation, but we would like to see if we can attract a few more donors before we settle up.  So, if you have not given but have the means, please consider making a modest contribution directly and letting us know so we can match it.

After our appeal, we received a couple of emails from victims of the vaccine, fellow Catholics whose agonizing stories need to be told.  One of them, Claudia’s story, can be read here.  It’s pretty heart-breaking, but thankfully she is doing better now although she still suffers from the effects.  Please prayer for her and her family, as well as a young husband and father of three who has experienced multiple organ failures due to the vaccine and is fighting for his very life.  The betrayal of trusting and innocent people by Big Pharma and the medical establishment and all of their enablers up and down the line is a disgrace of epic proportions whose day of accountability is coming.

The rank stupidity and blindness of all our institutions and our so-called “leaders” is an astounding thing to watch. Here we have a biomedical state who accepts and promotes transsexual deviancy as “science”, but the generally clueless among us don’t seem to wonder if this will have any bearing on how they push the vaccines.  This neat little compartment everyone has erected for themselves keeps the deviancy strictly restricted to gender ideology and would never seep into “conventional science” or so their naivete tells them.  And if that doesn’t do it, you’ve got Bonnie Henry, the BC Provincial Health Officer, defending the de-criminalization of drugs and proving once again why doctors need stay out of politics.

Then there is Big Pharma Thug and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla joining 200 Big Pharma execs condemning a ruling against the abortion pill.  But this is supposed to be totally separate from the vaccine tyranny we have endured these past few years, right?  Funny how abortion and Big Pharma always seem to have this curious relationship which, of course, paid off for them with these vaccines as well in their development.  You don’t see real money in Big Pharma without a lot of dead people…and babies.

On the bright side, there is this little ray of hope offered by Elon Musk who put the paddle down on a BBC reporter, especially on its own misinformation and failure to report on the uselessness of masks and the injuries suffered by the vaccines.

We live in the most technically advanced society, with the most profoundly and spiritually blind and stupid people – many of whom occupy the halls of power we put them in.

In her Immaculate Heart,

John Pacheco
St. Joan of Arc Community

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